Not sure when I’ll ever be posting a recipe again :( Haha, for now this blog is becoming my very own baby book that I already look back on with nostalgia. That’s not to say that I don’t love the little boy that Berkeley is slowing becoming. Next up on my “i can’t wait til..” list is real hugs and kisses from him!!!
This post is overdue and it’s already almost time for his 10 month update. I don’t know if not much happened during his ninth month or if I just forgot to take note.
We had lots of visits from grandparents. My mom is in the pic below, which we took to show how big his belly gets after he eats :)
Berkeley turned 9 months old while we were in Florida, so techinically the plane ride home should be included in this post. He really was very well behaved, albeit his usual active self, until we got ready to descend. By this point he was overdue for his nap and was very very tired. I strapped him into his carseat which didn’t make him happy, because he really hates being restrained. Between that, being tired, and possibly having his ears pop, he screamed during decent. I put the car seat cover over his seat hoping that the darkness would encourage a nap and he did finally pass out. We were totally THOSE people with the screaming kid! It didn’t last long though, and when we landed, the women in front of us said he was very good. Berkeley napped through exiting the plane, meeting Nate at baggage and getting all the way out to the car before he woke.

Blueberry face- what happens when babies feed themselves
He’s definitely beginning to assert himself more lately. He refused food a couple times- pushed spoon away or pushed the food out of his mouth (yellow squash pieces). He also really just wants to feed himself. He tried a bunch more new foods, all with success- strawberries and watermelon. He loves blueberries and watermelon the most. He has top teeth coming in and a new bottom tooth. He’s also gotten much better at picking food up.
Our nanny told us that he threw his first real tantrum when she blocked his way so he couldn’t get into the kitchen. Apparently he started screaming and hitting her face, haha.
He loves doing this weird head tilt thing, which usually looks super cute. He usually does it when he’s eating. In this pic it looks more like an exorcist baby though:
He has perfected cruising while holding things, and crawls SO quickly. He also stood for a few seconds without holding onto anything, before he finally fell. I think walking isn’t too far off.
Also, in major news, he finally figured out how to sit!!! He doesn’t love it, though, and usually prefers sitting leaning back with knees bent and his shins on the ground under his thighs. I’ll have to get it on camera because it’s pretty cute.
His naps are a little better. I’m still hoping they get long enough that he can stay up late enough for me to see him before bed :(
In music class he isn’t shy anymore and just crawls over to the instruments. He’s the one sprawled out on the ground below :)
He seems to be laughing more, especially when playing peekaboo. He’s been gentler when petting LC (instead of just smacking her in the face or grabbing her fur).
Nate celebrated his first Father’s Day! I got them matching ninja kitty shirts :) L.C. picked them out.
I also got a dino book so Nate could instill his dino obsession into Berkelely from an early age. Unfortunately, Berkeley will only sit still for books that have things you can touch in them. Otherwise they usually end up in his mouth or thrown on the floor.
Stats: 19 lbs, 29 inches, Size 3 Pampers Swaddlers diapers (Size 3 Huggies Overnite with a booster pad for nighttime)
Speed crawling, being in the water, eating, trying to grab his bird mobile above his crib, crusing around the furniture, “petting” the books that have texture
Teething, being in his car seat, not being allowed to do something he wants, not much else…he’s a happy boy!
Schedule (pretty much same as 8 months):
between 5-6 am: wake up. I don’t go get him until 6am though.
6:15 am: 7 oz bottle of formula followed by baby oatmeal (made with prune juice) and some fruit pieces
7:30-8 am: 1 hr-1.5 hr nap. still occassionally 1/2 hr.
9:30 am: 6 oz bottle of formula
11-11:30ish: lunch (he eats all sorts of things: sweet potato chunks, fruit, mini meatballs, avocado, eggplant, peppers…)
11:30/12:30ish: 1 hr-1.5 hr nap. Also still occassionally 1/2 hr :(
1:30-2ish (when he wakes): 6 oz bottle of formula
3 pm- more solids (technically his dinner since he goes to bed so early)
4:30: 7 oz bottle of formula
5pm-5:30: bedtime! His naps have been a little later and longer now so he’s actually made it til 5:30 quite often. Still hoping he can regularly make it til 6pm soon so I can put him to bed.