Sorry I’ve been MIA on the blog lately. I’ve just been so busy travelling back and forth and just catching up on stuff when I’m actually home. Between the Boston marathon last weekend and a bridal shower this weekend in Florida, my free time has been lacking.
Anyway, since I haven’t gotten a food post together I thought I’d entertain you with some pictures. This weekend I headed down to Florida to attend a bridal shower my mom’s friends threw for me. It was super nice of them to do this! I’ll be having another shower in NJ in a few months for my friends and family up north.
They played a game where I had to guess Nate’s answers to some questions they had secretly asked him a month ago :)

Me wearing the ribbon "hat" made by fashioning all gift ribbons into a hat...or in this case making a hat out of a purse I got as part of a present.
My personal favorite: When did Amy know she wanted to marry you?
Nate’s answer: 1 year into the relationship.
Uh…Nate proposed about 1 year and a couple weeks into the relationship. He sure did cut it close!
He also rated our first date on a bad/good/great scale as “good.” Thanks a lot, Nate! He claims it’s because of the food, and not because of the company.
That combined with a few other answers he gave make him very close to sharing the couch with L.C. tonight ;)
Hope you’ve enjoyed seeing what’s been keeping me busy…I promise I’ll be back soon with a yummy Fudgey cheesecake concoction before the next busy weekend (this time with our wedding food-tasting!) begins…